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The Cool Grandpa Podcast

Jul 29, 2022

Carolyn Berry, from the podcast, Adventures with Grammy, joins us to discuss her experience being a grandmother AND a podcaster. We talk about her memories of learning that she would become a grandmother for the first time and what a special time that was for her.

Carolyn also talks to us about how she uses her farm...

Jul 22, 2022

Michelle Booth from Make Momentos is joining us to discuss how Make Momentos enables interesting and unique connections with the young children in your life. Make Momentos is a unique product and experience where you can create a short video introduction followed by reading an enjoyable book for your grandchild, child,...

Jul 15, 2022

Winn Egan is back for another conversation with us. In this episode, Winn and I dive into his personal experience with being a grandfather. You might remember that Winn was a previous guest on the show where we discussed the book, Grandparenting on Purpose, that he wrote with his wife, Linda.

In our conversation, we...

Jul 8, 2022

Stop and smell the roses. No one knows where that phrase or sentence comes from. If you know, please leave me a comment below. I like discovering the origin story of some of our popular phrases and words.

I found that golfer Walter Hagen used the phrase frequently in my research. It makes sense that Walter is...