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The Cool Grandpa Podcast

Nov 24, 2022

This week's conversation is about how we, as Grandfathers, can help our grandchildren develop a spirit of gratitude. This is a short conversation (since it is Thanksgiving weekend), but if there is a good nugget here. I think you can use it with your family and grandchildren.

I borrowed much of this information from...

Nov 18, 2022

Hold on to your hats! Dr. Marsha McLean is bringing fun and energy to this week's conversation. Marsha is talking to us about how she initially was reluctant to have the title of Grandma. Why? Because Grandmothers traditionally have seemed very old and normally not in the best physical health. Marsha soon embraced...

Nov 11, 2022

James 'Papa Jimmy' Divine is back to discuss his experience creating multiple side businesses while working full-time as a band teacher in a Title 1 school. James talks to us about his journey from transitioning from the U.S. Army to becoming a music teacher and the process it took to earn his Master's in Music...

Nov 4, 2022

Richard Eyre is back to talk about a new program he and his wife, Linda, have created called Grandparenting 101. Richard was previously on the podcast to talk about his book, "Being A Proactive Grandfather." You can listen to that conversation by clicking on the link below.

Linda and Richard have created a six-part...